Services & Consultancies

- Architectural design consultancy for health facilities, recreational, institutional, educational, hospitality and residential projects. Services provided: architectural concept to implementation drawings excluding – PHE / HAVC / structural / interiors. Charges negotiable with the baseline using the recommended professional charges as advised by the Council of Architects, India.
- Master and site planning for residential, educational and institutional projects. Services provided: plotting, surface water management, traffic calming road design, urban design, design of model houses and landscaping. Sourcing and facilitating of agencies that specialise in green/ sustainable technologies like renewable energy for lighting, biological sewage treatment and other technologies to enable the developer to position their project as a ‘sustainable/ green project’. Charges as per the type of site (flat/ hilly/ green field/ mixed use) scope of works and timeline, charge per acre of land under development.
- Mentoring and coordinating of in-house designers/ architects for institutions and developers. Services provided: develop a program of development, set baseline specifications, short list agencies and vendors. Provide hand holding and monitoring of the architects during planning and design stage. Charges: on an hourly basis non-inclusive of expenses.